Arizona: Are you 1) Starting a business 2) Buying real estate or 3) Investing?
You need an LLC.
Let us set it up… we’re the pros.
You pick the package, we do the rest.
Single Member LLC
(Single Member or Married Members)
Filing LLC with Corporation Commission
Obtaining Articles of Organization
Operating Agreement Customized to Arizona Law and Your Business
(YES, you really do need an Operating Agreement. Here’s Why!)
Obtaining Your EIN (Employer Identification Number)
Phocus Law’s “Outline of Key Legal Tips for Business Owners”
20 Minutes of Attorney Time
Multi- Member LLC
(>1 Members not married to one another)
Filing LLC with Corporation Commission
Obtaining Articles of Organization
Multi-Member Operating Agreement Customized to Arizona Law and Your Business
(YES, you really do need an Operating Agreement. Here’s Why!)
Obtaining Your EIN (Employer Identification Number)
Phocus Law’s “Outline of Key Legal Tips for Business Owners”
20 Minutes of Attorney Time
A La Carte / Add-ons
(If purchased separately)
Consultation with Phocus Accounting & Tax CPA regarding tax status election - $199
Consultation with Insurance Professional regarding new entity policy - $FREE
Filing LLC with Corporation Commission - $150 plus $85 Filing Fee
Single Member Operating Agreement - $499
Multi-Member Operating Agreement - $599
Obtaining EIN - $99
Phocus Law’s “Outline of Key Legal Tips for Business Owners” - $129
Attorney Consultation - $150
Let Us Get Started
Drop us your information so we can reach out and get started on setting up your LLC.